What is the difference between SGBs, Gold ETFs and Physical Gold?

ParticularsSGBGold ETFPhysical Gold
SafetyHighHighRisk of theft, wear and tear
ReturnsMore than actual return on gold.Less than actual return on gold.Lower than the real return on gold due to making charges.
TradabilityTradeable on the stock exchanges if held in demat form. Or else, can be prematurely redeemed from the 5th year of issue.Tradeable on stock exchanges.Restrictive
Trading Margin CollateralAccepted (cash equivalent collateral)Accepted (non-cash equivalent collateral)Not accepted
Loan CollateralAcceptedNot acceptedAccepted
STCG if held for less than 3 years.

LTCG if held for more than 3 years. 

* No capital gains tax is held till maturity
* STCG if held for less than 3 years.

* LTCG if held for more than 3 years.

* STCG if held for less than 3 years.

* LTCG if held for more than 3 years.

Storage CostMinimalMinimal

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