What is the difference between large-cap, mid-cap and small-cap equity?

Market Capitalisation
* Top 100 ranked  companies in terms of market cap

* Market cap of Rs. 20,000 crore or more
* Companies ranked from 101-250 in terms of market cap

* Market cap of Rs. 5,000 crore to Rs. 20,000 crore
* Companies ranked below 250 in terms of market cap 

* Market cap below Rs. 5,000 crore
Growth Potential
* High potential for stable returns

* Lower than that of mid and small-cap stocks
* Moderate growth potential

* Higher than large-cap stocks
* Highest growth potential
* Companies ranked below 250 in terms of market cap 

* Market cap below Rs. 5,000 crore
* Lower liquidity in comparison to large-cap stocks as the demand, for these stocks are slightly lower
* Least liquidity

* Can make squaring-off/ closing positions difficult
* Stable and less volatile* Slightly volatile
* Highly volatile-prices can swing considerably 
Risk & Ideal Investor Profile
* Relatively low risk

* Suitable for conservative investors with a long-term investment horizon
* Slightly riskier than large-cap stocks

* Suitable for investors with a moderate risk appetite with a long-term investment horizon
* Considerable riskier than large and mid-cap stocks

* Suitable for
aggressive investors with short-term goals

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