How do I transfer shares from my Geojit demat account to another broker account?
You can transfer shares from your Geojit Demat account to another Demat account in 2 ways:
1. Use a Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS). This slip must be submitted at one of our branches
A sample slip is given below:
- Fill in the Date
- Tick (✔) For Off-Market Trades
- Tick (✔) Inter Depository Instruction (applicable if you are transferring shares from an NSDL Demat account to CDSL demat account or vice versa)
- Fill in the Target DP ID, Client ID, DP Name (other broker name)
- Fill in the Reason Code. Please refer the attached NSDL/CDSL excel files (based on where your demat account is held) to find the code related to your transaction type.
- Fill in the security details- ISIN, Security Name, Quantity, No. of ISIN to be transferred, Phone No.
- Signature of all account holders
Please contact your branch for any assistance in filling the slip.
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