Where can I get my transaction details for a day or a period?

You can get your transaction details for a particular day using the following options in MyGeojit

1. Trade confirmation for the day

2. Contract Note 

If you wish to view your transaction details for a certain period (inclusive of all transaction costs), you can export the Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement for the desired period in MyGeojit 

Step 1. Log in to MyGeojit

Step 2. Select Statements > P&L for the Period

Step 3. Select the desired Type (Realized/Unrealized/Both) and Date Range

Step 4. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions > Submit > Export

The generated excel sheet will give you a summary of transactions including details of:

  • Transaction date
  • Sauda type-  Delivery trades are shown as NORMAL TRADE and Intraday trades are shown as NORMAL TRADE SPEC
  • Buy/Sell quantity
  • Buy/Sell rate

 The given prices are approximate figures arrived after accounting for all charges.

Please note that this P&L Statement does not reflect the accurate profit/loss for a financial year as it does not fetch data of transactions outside the selected date range. Hence, if the purchase date is not within the selected range, the statement will not account for such positions. To get these details, you will be required to generate the Tax Computation Statement for the financial year.

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