Under what conditions does Geojit provides trading in Illiquid Contracts?

Derivative liquidity policy for allowing Equity & Index derivatives are:

  • All Equity & Index Futures contracts subject to minimum 10 lots of Open Interest and 10 contracts traded on previous day.
  • Equity Options contracts up to 65 days expiry subject to minimum 10 lots of Open Interest and 10 contracts traded on previous trading day.
  • Nifty Options contracts upto 100 days expiry and coming quarterly contract subject to minimum 10 lots of Open Interest and 10 contract  traded on previous trading day.
  • Bank Nifty & Fin Nifty Options contracts upto 100 days expiry subject to minimum 10 lots of Open Interest and 10 contracts traded on previous trading day.

* Index Options which are away from 20% up or down from closing value of Index will be blocked.
* Equity Options which are away from 30% up or down from closing value of stock will be blocked.

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