General (15)
What is Geojit's PMS (Portfolio Management Services) product?
Who can invest in PMS?
What are the benefits of Geojit's PMS?
Are there risks associated with PMS investments?
Is there a lock-in period for Geojit's PMS?
How long should I stay invested in a PMS fund?
Where will my PMS funds be invested by Geojit?
How safe are the securities purchased under my PMS?
Does Geojit's PMS schemes guarantee returns?
Where can a PMS investor file complaints?
Do I have to keep track of my PMS investments and take part in the decision making process?
Who is a Portfolio Manager?
Are there rules that govern the service of a Portfolio Manager?
Where can an investor look for information on a Portfolio Manager?
What is the difference between Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Portfolio Management Services (PMS)?