What documents are required for an NRI to open a FundsGenie account?

NRIs taxable outside India, except in the U.S.A. and Canada can open and operate a FundsGenie account. The following documents will be required during your account opening process: 

Sl No.DocumentsRequirements
KRA-KYC compliant PAN- During the account opening process, your PAN will be validated against KRA-KYC records. 
If it is not compliant, you will be requested to contact customer care to complete the KYC requirements before proceeding with account activation.
2.Bank Account Proof
A soft copy of your bank account proof with your Name, Account Type, and IFSC clearly shown. Ensure that your bank proof mentions that the account is under NRE/ NRO status. 

Accepted proofs:
i. Cheque
ii. Bank Statement
iii. Passbook

For existing trade code users, their account status and bank status must match (if the trading account status is NRE, the bank account status must be under NRE).
A soft copy of your passport-size photograph
A soft copy of your signature on a white paper
Ensure that your KRA-KYC has both your foreign and Indian addresses. 

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