Orders (23)
How do I make a lumpsum/ one-time investment in a Smartfolios basket?
How do I start an SIP in a Smartfolios basket?
How do I transfer funds/ make payments for purchases through Smartfolios?
At what price are Smartfolios orders placed?
If I do not have a sufficient balance in my trading account, will my Smartfolios order get executed?
Can Smartfolios investments lead to a debit balance in my trading account?
Do I have the option of selecting the execution date for a Smartfolios recommendation?
Do I need to log in on every SIP installment date to place my Smartfolios order?
Will I be intimated regarding my equity SIP orders on Smartfolios?
What will happen if my Smartfolios SIP orders are rejected due to insufficient funds/buying power in my trading account?
What happens if my Smartfolios SIP date falls on a trading holiday?
Can I make an additional investment in my Smartfolio?
What is 'rebalancing' in Smartfolios?
How do I rebalance my Smartfolio?
How long does Smartfolios order execution take after accepting the rebalancing request?
What if I do not want to accept the Smartfolios rebalancing request?
Can I accept the Smartfolios recommended order partially?
How do I exit my Smartfolios investment?
What is 'deactivating' my Smartfolio?
How do I deactivate my Smartfolios investment?
Can I partially exit my Smartfolio investment?
Can I edit/modify my Smartfolios SIP?
Can I add/remove stocks from my Smartfolios basket?